Klein Watcher of Valakas

L2 Database

Klein Watcher of Valakas Lv. 70
ID: 31540


ID: 31540
ID Template: 31540
Type: L2Npc
Class: LineageMonster.skeleton_royal_guard
Collision Radius: 11.00
Collision Height: 28.50
HP: 2444 / MP: 1346
HP Regen: 7 / MP Regen: 2
Exp: 0 / SP: 0

Herbs: 0


Physical Attack: 688 / Magical Attack: 470
Physical Defence: 295 / Magical Defence: 216
Walk Speed: 80 / Run Speed: 120
Attack Speed: 253 / Cast Speed: 333
Critical: 4


STR: 40 / DEX: 30 / CON: 43
INT: 21 / WIT: 20 / MEN: 20


Attack Type: -
Power: -
Fire Defence: 150
Wind Defence: 150
Holy Defence: 150
Water Defence: 150
Earth Defence: 150
Dark Defence: 150


Aggro: No
Targetable: Yes
Atk. Range: 40


Resist Full Magic Attack Lv. 1 Resist Full Magic Attack Lv. 1
HP Increase (1x) Lv. 1 HP Increase (1x) Lv. 1
MP Increase (1x) Lv. 1 MP Increase (1x) Lv. 1
Average P. Atk. Lv. 11 Average P. Atk. Lv. 11
Average M. Atk. Lv. 11 Average M. Atk. Lv. 11
Average P. Def. Lv. 11 Average P. Def. Lv. 11
Average M. Def. Lv. 11 Average M. Def. Lv. 11
Standard Type Lv. 2 Standard Type Lv. 2
One-handed Sword Lv. 3 One-handed Sword Lv. 3
Undead Lv. 1 Undead Lv. 1
Called out of their graves by black magic, a curse or the power of an evil mind, most of these creatures lack intelligence and can perform only simple actions. However, some high-ranking undead possess great knowledge and sophistication even when compared to ordinary humanoids.


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QuestTypeLevelStart NPCRewardPartyRestrictions
Into the Flames | Lineage 2 Quest Into the Flames Repeatable quest 60+ Klein
Floating StoneFloating Stone - 1
YesNo Requirements
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The Call of Valakas | Lineage 2 Quest The Call of Valakas Repeatable quest 83+ Klein -YesNo Requirements
Dragon Trophy - Valakas | Lineage 2 Quest Dragon Trophy - Valakas Repeatable quest 84+ Klein -NoNo Requirements
Jewel of Valakas | Lineage 2 Quest Jewel of Valakas Onetime quest 84+ Klein -YesNo Requirements
