
Example: Cokes, Necklace of Valakas or 6657

Lineage 2 Other Items

L2 Database

35 results / page
1st Crystal of Starting 1st Crystal of Starting
An indication that a Summoner battle has begun.
1st Crystal of Victory 1st Crystal of Victory
An indication that the Summoner has been victorious in a battle. Take this to Summoner Almors.
1st Fiery Egg 1st Fiery Egg
A spirit egg obtained from a scarlet salamander. Take it to Tataru along with a kasha bear pelt and a kasha bladespider husk.
1st Fragment of Abyss Jewel 1st Fragment of Abyss Jewel
A fragment obtained by destroying an abyss jewel in Gludio. Take it to Warehouse Chief Moke, the Watchman of the Seal.
1st Golden Seed 1st Golden Seed
The seed of the singing flower, which absorbs blood in order to bloom. Gather 3 of these and take them to Bard Rukal.
1st Key of Ark 1st Key of Ark
The key that was found upon the corpse of the guardian of the sacred ark. Use this key to open the sacred ark and retrieve the sacred object.
1st Leather Pouch 1st Leather Pouch
A leather pouch given by Khavatari Rosheek. Take this and hunt kasha bears and collect 5 of their claws.
1st Leather Pouch (Full) 1st Leather Pouch (Full)
A pouch that contains 5 kasha bear claws. Take this to Khavatari Rosheek.
1st Letter of Order 1st Letter of Order
A certificate of forbidden book collection given by Priest Zigaunt. Carry this around and collect all the forbidden books.
1st Mark of Sentinel 1st Mark of Sentinel
A mark that certifies that its bearer is an Elven Sentinel. Destroy an orc Tanuki skullcrusher and report to Sentinel Kendell.
1st Onyx Talisman 1st Onyx Talisman
A necklace crafted of onyx. Take this to Abyssal Celebrant Kartia.
1st Pass Certificate 1st Pass Certificate
The certificate for passing the 1st artisan test. To take the next test, you must go to Blacksmith Kluto of the village Gludin.
1st Place Treasure Sack 1st Place Treasure Sack
When double-clicked, a random 1st Place prize is granted.
1st Potion Recipe 1st Potion Recipe
Scale of amber basilisk, wind soulstone of whispering wind, glass eye of glass jaguar, blood of Turak bugbear
1st Receipt of Contribution 1st Receipt of Contribution
The contribution receipt received from Golden Wheel's Spiron. Collect 5 receipts and take them to Lockrin of the Iron Gate.
1st Ring of Testimony 1st Ring of Testimony
A ring given to those Dwarves attempting the Testimony of Prosperity. Find the 4 proofs of prosperity.
1st Secret Letter 1st Secret Letter
The documents of Leto lizardmen. Gather all of the letters and deliver them to Saint Kristina.
1st Test Instructions 1st Test Instructions
Instructions of the test for the 1st circle hunter certificate. Says to complete at least three of the six tasks presented by Grey.
1st Torn Map Piece 1st Torn Map Piece
A piece of the map that belonged to the former lord's guard Solt. Gather 4 of these.
2006 Battle Tournament - CP Potion 2006 Battle Tournament - CP Potion
Restores CP by 200.
2006 Battle Tournament - Quick Healing Potion 2006 Battle Tournament - Quick Healing Potion
A magical potion that quickly restores HP. However, its effects do not last.
2nd Brimstone 2nd Brimstone
A mark left behind by the Drevanul Prince Zeruel while escaping from the body of Fisher Evert.
2nd Circle Hunter License 2nd Circle Hunter License
Certificate that proves eligibility as a 2nd circle hunter. You must have this to be able to carry out orders given by the Hunter Guild.
2nd Circle Request 2C 2nd Circle Request 2C
Gather and bring 40 trisalim venom sacs.
2nd Circle Request 3C 2nd Circle Request 3C
Kill taik orc shaman or captain and get 50 taik orc totems.
2nd Circle Request: 10C 2nd Circle Request: 10C
Kill forest runner and collect and bring 40 hamadryadesung shards.
2nd Circle Request: 11C 2nd Circle Request: 11C
Kill vanor silenos soldier, scout or warrior and collect and bring 30 of their manes.
2nd Circle Request: 12C 2nd Circle Request: 12C
Kill taik bugbear warriors and collect and bring 30 talk bugbear totems.
2nd Circle Request: 1A 2nd Circle Request: 1A
Kill grave wanderers and collect and bring 20 skulls of executed persons.
2nd Circle Request: 1B 2nd Circle Request: 1B
Kill timak overlord okun and bring the head.
2nd Circle Request: 1C 2nd Circle Request: 1C
Kill rot tree in the Sea of Spores and gather and bring 40 seeds.
2nd Circle Request: 2A 2nd Circle Request: 2A
Kill Harit Chieftain Kubel, recover the bust of King Travis and bring it.
2nd Circle Request: 2B 2nd Circle Request: 2B
Kill taik overlord kakran and bring the head.
2nd Circle Request: 3A 2nd Circle Request: 3A
Kill judges of marsh and collect and bring 10 swords of bodyguards of King Cadmus.
2nd Circle Request: 3B 2nd Circle Request: 3B
Destroy mirrors of the Forest of Mirrors and collect and bring 40 narcissus soulstones.
