Play Lineage 2 on Ubuntu or Debian Linux
1). Download
.deb package
Wine and install (no problems should arise).
2). Run the terminal (without root rights) and write:
Next, download DirectX with the following command in the terminal:
sh winetricks corefonts d3dx9
sh winetricks corefonts tahoma
Tahoma font (copy/paste in .wine\drive_c\windows\Fonts) and install
DirectX 9c or
DirectX 11 via Winetricks.
Install .NET Framework:
sh winetricks corefonts dotnet20
Install the downloaded DirectX:
sh winetricks directx9
And install
the patch for VC ++
3). Download and install the client, if already installed, then use the editor L2 File Edit ++ , edit L2.ini and set these options:
UseHardwareTL = False
UseHardwareVS = FalseAnd save in 413 encoding.
Ignore that error with the AGP message. You can press on Close button or Enter.
Now there are 2 values for extensions - the 1st is the desktop itself in Wine - Emulate the desktop (where the value is manually entered) and in the file in the game folder L2 / system / options.ini - open it with a notepad in Wine and thus can change the initial resolution of the run line. These 2 resolutions are changed with different variations - 800 * 600, 1024 * 768, 1280 * 1024.
__EDITED: 19.01.2022--