Queen of Hearts Valentine Messenger

L2 Database

Queen of Hearts Valentine Messenger Lv. 70
ID: 4301


ID: 4301
ID Template: 4301
Type: L2Npc
Class: LineageMonster2.queen_of_cat
Collision Radius: 8.00
Collision Height: 15.00
HP: 2444 / MP: 1346
HP Regen: 7 / MP Regen: 2
Exp: 0 / SP: 10

Herbs: 0


Physical Attack: 688 / Magical Attack: 470
Physical Defence: 295 / Magical Defence: 216
Walk Speed: 26 / Run Speed: 120
Attack Speed: 253 / Cast Speed: 333
Critical: 4


STR: 40 / DEX: 30 / CON: 43
INT: 21 / WIT: 20 / MEN: 20


Attack Type: -
Power: -
Fire Defence: 150
Wind Defence: 150
Holy Defence: 150
Water Defence: 150
Earth Defence: 150
Dark Defence: 150


Aggro: No
Targetable: Yes
Atk. Range: 40


Resist Full Magic Attack Lv. 1 Resist Full Magic Attack Lv. 1
HP Increase (1x) Lv. 1 HP Increase (1x) Lv. 1
MP Increase (1x) Lv. 1 MP Increase (1x) Lv. 1
Average P. Atk. Lv. 11 Average P. Atk. Lv. 11
Average M. Atk. Lv. 11 Average M. Atk. Lv. 11
Average P. Def. Lv. 11 Average P. Def. Lv. 11
Average M. Def. Lv. 11 Average M. Def. Lv. 11
Standard Type Lv. 2 Standard Type Lv. 2
One-handed Sword Lv. 3 One-handed Sword Lv. 3
Spirits Lv. 7 Spirits Lv. 7
They are not necessarily creatures, but elemental energy beings. They basically belong to the 4 elements, which are water, fire, wind, and earth, but they also dwell in natural objects. They are known to be governed by the gods of water, fire, wind, and earth.


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