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Events / Double Raid Boss Drop Amount till 11 January 2025
« Last post by Kronika on December 16, 2024, 06:15:44 PM »
Double Raid Boss Drop Amount (from 3x to 6x),
Double EXP and SP rates!

(till 11 January 2025)

Events / World Events
« Last post by Feng Shui on October 08, 2024, 11:01:12 AM »
World Events
(on L2 SCARLET servers)

Lunar New Year Event
21 Jan. - 20 Feb.

Visit the Dimensional Merchant NPCS in game.

Power of Love Event
10 Feb. - 24 Feb.

Every year on Valentine’s Day, the citizens of Aden give cakes to their significant others to express their love. You can talk to Coco Brownie to turn your weapon into something sweet...

Easter Eggs Hunt Event
17 Apr. - 2 May

Hunt mobs all over the map and get from them Easter Eggs! Easter Egg celebrating Easter Day. Double-click to receive one out of many event items.

Halloween Event
15 Oct. - 2 Nov.

Collect Halloween event items and get rewarded! Visit the Event Managers in any Major Town.

Christmas Event
11 Dec. - 7 Jan.

Collect Christmas event items and get rewarded! Visit the Event Managers in any Major Town. Santastic holidays!

Events / Re: [Event] Count to a million from 100...
« Last post by Feng Shui on October 08, 2024, 10:14:48 AM »
Lineage 2 Guides / Tyrr Dreadnought Farm Zones Lineage 2
« Last post by Remix on August 22, 2024, 03:48:25 PM »
Tyrr Dreadnought Farm Zones Lineage 2

Farm zones: Low Level
Land of Chaos
Seed of Hellfire
Monastery of Silence
Guillotine fortress
Hellbound Beleth Circle

Farm zones: Mid Level
Garden of Genesis
Enchanted Valley

Farm zones: High Level
Atelia Fortress
Fafurion Temple

Lineage 2 Guides / Tyrr Dreadnought Macro Skill Farming Lineage 2
« Last post by Remix on August 22, 2024, 03:41:29 PM »
Tyrr Dreadnought Macro Skill Farming Lineage 2

Code: [Select]
/useskill Provoke
/useskill Eruption
/useskill Thunder Storm

Freya 15x server / Lineage 2 Seven Signs and collecting Seal Stones
« Last post by Kronika on July 15, 2024, 02:44:10 PM »
Lineage 2 Seven Signs and collecting Seal Stones

Seal Effects If a party owns each Seal, the following changes will occur.

1. Seal of Avarice
The teleport NPC at the entrance of the Necropolis moves the winner inside the dungeon, and they can purchase various kinds of buffs with Ancient Adena.
Able to enter all 8 Necropolis freely.
In the Necropolis, monsters are generated for the winner to hunt.
They can meet Anakim or Lilith in the Disciples Necropolis. Anakim and Lilith are part of the quest in which you can enhance your A-grade weapon.
The Trader of Mammon appears inside the dungeon. They can purchase a variety of items that cannot be purchased in general stores by paying with Ancient Adena. The Trader of Mammon does not stay in one place, but often moves around each dungeon.

2. Seal of Gnosis
The teleport NPC at the entrance of the Catacombs moves only the winner inside the dungeon.
* Able to enter all 6 Catacombs freely.   
The winner can purchase teleports from the Priests to various hunting areas with Ancient Adena.
Hostile NPCs are located around each village, except starting towns, and randomly cast various kinds of de-buffs onto the members of the losing Cabal.
Friendly NPCs are located around each village, except starting towns, and randomly cast various kinds of buffs onto the members of the winning Cabal.
An NPC named The Blacksmith of Mammon will appear inside the Catacombs. He accepts Ancient Adena for performing A-grade weapon enhancements, removing the Seal on armor, equipment exchanges to higher-level items, as well as free exchange for equipment of the same level. The Blacksmith of Mammon wanders around each Catacomb.

3. Seal of Strife
If Owned by Dawn
During a siege, it is now possible to hire elite Dawn Mercenaries in addition to the existing mercenaries.
The cost required to upgrade the castle gates and walls is slightly reduced.
The defensive power of the castle gates and walls is slightly increased.
The maximum tax rate that the lord of each castle can establish is increased to 25%.

If Owned by Dusk
During a siege, defenders are unable to hire anything but low-level mercenaries
The cost required to upgrade the castle gates and walls is greatly increased.
The defensive power of the castle gates and walls is greatly reduced.
The maximum tax rate that the lord of each castle can establish is decreased to 5%.

Contributing Seal Stones for Seven Signs in Lineage 2

Collecting Seal stones (Blue, Green, and Red) Each Cabal may hunt monsters within the Catacombs and Necropolis’ to acquire Seal Stones. Items acquired in this way are entrusted to the Priest of each side. Scores contributed to the Priests by each player are accumulated and included in the total score of the whole Cabal. [Contribution points to the Cabal will be different based on stone color: Blue (1), Green (5), and Red (10)]. Seal Stones are items that can be exchanged among players. Even if these items are not entrusted to the Priest during the competition period, they do not disappear and can be used during the next competition period. Players hunt the monsters in Necropolis' or Catacomb to get Seal Stones.


YouTube channel:

Freya 15x server / Re: Our Tasklist - Bug reports!
« Last post by christf7 on February 16, 2024, 09:16:55 PM »
i see bufs are fine now...maybe the updates fix it....thnks anyway
Freya 15x server / Re: Our Tasklist - Bug reports!
« Last post by christf7 on February 16, 2024, 07:29:14 PM »
ok..thanks.dont get me wrong...i rly do like the server and i root and vote for it...i just remember when i was in a netherland server and the tatooes gave more things when enhanded(tatoo of soul ,etc..) about the bufs....i lose bufs (mdef) when my char standar bufs(like evasion haste) get this cause of the limit in number of bufs we can have,or my char got problem?olympiad is still not working? i did tried to fool the server by logging from a vpn,i can join  with my chars but never get called in.....
Freya 15x server / Re: Our Tasklist - Bug reports!
« Last post by Kronika on February 16, 2024, 05:58:58 PM »
Yes, 1500 was always on L2J server based. (on some crappy russian servers can have different value).
1500 is the correct value and it's from approx. 10 years ago.
You can check/verify any Freya CT2.5 and High Five CT2.6 L2J servers and see...

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Limits
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Maximum character running speed.
# Default: 250
MaxRunSpeed = 250

# Maximum character Physical Critical Rate. (10 = 1%)
# Default: 500
MaxPCritRate = 500

# Maximum character Magic Critical Rate. (10 = 1%)
# Default: 200
MaxMCritRate = 200

# Maximum character Attack Speed.
# Default: 1500
MaxPAtkSpeed = 1500

# Maximum character Cast Speed.
# Default: 1999
MaxMAtkSpeed = 1999

# Maximum character Evasion.
# Default: 250
MaxEvasion = 250

# Maximum number of allowed subclasses for every player.
# Default: 3
MaxSubclass = 3

# Maximum subclass level.
# Default: 80
MaxSubclassLevel = 85
Freya 15x server / Re: Our Tasklist - Bug reports!
« Last post by christf7 on February 16, 2024, 04:21:35 PM »
clan guidance gives only 1 more instead of 2 that promises.....also when im full buffed (adventurer KARMA) my mdef is affected when my char skills (evasion haste etc) gets on.....also is there a limit in atk speed?cant go more than 1500.....tia
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