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Obtaining Clan Reputation Points (CRP)

Obtaining Clan Reputation Points (CRP)
« on: January 24, 2022, 01:18:23 AM »
Obtaining Clan Reputation Points (CRP)

Hero Status   

Ceremony of Chaos   

Capturing a castle from NPC   

Capturing a castle from another clan   

Mercenary victory   

Dimensional siege   
Mark of Glory   

Fortress Siege   
Fortress capture   

Contestable CHs   
Victory over NPC CH (Devastated Castle, Fortress of the Dead, Fortress of Resistance)   

Victory over clan-owned CH (Rainbow Springs Chateau, Wild Beast Reserve, Bandit Stronghold)   

Mercenary Victory (Rainbow Springs Chateau, Wild Beast Reserve, Bandit Stronghold)   

Clan missions, Hero status, CoC championship...

« Last Edit: February 11, 2022, 04:28:55 PM by Kronika »