[align=center]Dynasty Drop List
Freya/High Five - S80/S84 Drop List[/align]
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Sealed Dynasty Breast Plate Piece
Gamlin (Giant Caves)
Grave Robber Worker (Mithril Mines)
Contaminated Batur Warrior (Crypts of Disgrace)
Invader Soldier of Nightmare (Delusion Chamber)
Spiked Stakato Sorcerer (Stakato Nest)
Gorgolos - Raid Boss (Giant Caves)
Ragna Orc Warrior (Den of Evil)
Nihil Invader Disciple (Delusion Chamber)
Suppressor (Field of Silence / Field of Whispers)
Gwindorr - Raid Boss (Field of Silence / Field of Whispers)
Mutant Elite Soldier (Delusion Chamber)
Queen Shyeed - Raid Boss (Stakato Nest)
Invader Healer of Nightmare (Delusion Chamber)
Invader Soldier of Nightmare (Delusion Chamber)
Grave Robber Summoner (Mithril Mines)
Varangka's Dre Vanul (Den of Evil)
Spiked Stakato Sorcerer (Stakato Nest)
Cannibalistic Stakato Follower (Stakato Nest)
Nihil Invader Assassin (Delusion Chamber)
Nihil Invader Disciple (Delusion Chamber)
Lesser Giant Scout (Giant Caves)
Servitor of Darkness (Den of Evil)
Varangka's Destroyer (Den of Evil)
Spiked Stakato Drone (Stakato Nest)
Spike Stakato Nurse (Stakato Nest)
Mutant Assassin (Delusion Chamber)
Awakened Mucrokian (Field of Silence/ Field of Whispiers)
Sealed Dynasty Gaiter Piece
Gamlin (Giant Caves)
Grave Robber Worker (Mithril Mines)
Contaminated Batur Warrior (Crypts of Disgrace)
Invader Soldier of Nightmare (Delusion Chamber)
Spiked Stakato Sorcerer (Stakato Nest)
Gorgolos - Raid Boss (Giant Caves)
Ragna Orc Warrior (Den of Evil)
Nihil Invader Disciple (Delusion Chamber)
Suppressor (Field of Silence / Field of Whispers)
Gwindorr - Raid Boss (Field of Silence / Field of Whispers)
Mutant Elite Soldier (Delusion Chamber)
Queen Shyeed - Raid Boss (Stakato Nest)
Ornithomimus (Primeval Isle)
Deinonychus (Primeval Isle)
Invader Guide of Nightmare (Delusion Chamber)
Invader Assassin of Nightmare (Delusion Chamber)
Servitor of Darkness (Den of Evil)
Ragna Orc Warrior (Den of Evil)
Ragna Orc Sniper (Den of Evil)
Sealed Dynasty Helmet Piece
Water Spirit Lian - Raid Boss (Field of Silence / Whisper)
Mutant Destroyer (Delusion Chamber)
Spiked Stakato Drone (Stakato Nest)
Giant Marpanak - Raid Boss (Giant Caves)
Nihil Invader Guide (Delusion Chamber)
Ragna Orc Seer (Den of Evil)
Servitor of Darkness (Den of Evil)
Invader Healer of Nightmare (Delusion Chamber)
Lesser Giant Soldier (Giant Caves)
Hirokai (Giant Caves)
Mutant Overlord (Delusion Chamber)
Mutant Healer (Delusion Chamber)
Exterminator (Field of Silence / Field of Whispers)
Mucrokian Savior (Field of Silence / Field of Whispers)
Ragna Orc Commander (Den of Evil)
Sealed Dynasty Gauntlet Piece
Cursed Seer (Giant Caves)
Lesser Giant (Giant Caves)
Servitor of Darkness (Den of Evil)
Ragna Orc Shaman (Den of Evil)
Invader Warrior of Nightmare (Delusion Chamber)
Nihil Invader Healer (Delusion Chamber)
Spiked Stakato Soldier (Stakato Nest)
Mutant Guide (Delusion Chamber)
Nihil Invader Soldier (Delusion Chamber)
Nihil Invader Archer (Delusion Chamber)
Ragna Orc Commander (Den of Evil)
Ragna Orc Warrior (Den of Evil)
Ragna Orc Archer (Den of Evil)
Sealed Dynasty Boot Piece
Drops :
Cursed Seer (Giant Caves)
Lesser Giant (Giant Caves)
Servitor of Darkness (Den of Evil)
Ragna Orc Shaman (Den of Evil)
Invader Warrior of Nightmare (Delusion Chamber)
Nihil Invader Healer (Delusion Chamber)
Spiked Stakato Solder (Stakato Nest)
Mutant Guide (Delusion Chamber)
Spoils :
Ragna Orc Healer (Den of Evil)
Invader Soldier of Nightmare (Delusion Chamber)
Nihil Invader Healer (Delusion Chamber)
Nihil Invader Guide (Delusion Chamber)
Sealed Dynasty Shield Piece
Drops :
Hirokai (Giant Caves)
Lesser Giant Soldier (Giant Caves)
Invader Healer of Nightmare (Delusion Chamber)
Servitor of Darkness (Den of Evil)
Ragna Orc Seer (Den of Evil)
Nihil Invader Guide (Delusion Chamber)
Giant Marpanak - Raid Boss (Giant Caves)
Spiked Stakato Drone (Stakato Nest)
Mutant Destroyer (Delusion Chamber)
Water Spirit Lian - Raid Boss (Field of Silence / Whisper)
Spoils :
Cursed Lord (Delusion Chamber)
Lesser Giant Shooter (Giant Caves)
Grave Robber Warrior (Mithril Mines)
Mutant Soldier (Delusion Chamber)
Dynasty Light Armor
Sealed Dynasty Leather Armor Piece
Drops :
Leogul (Giant Caves)
Invader Disciple of Nightmare (Delusion Chamber)
Grave Robber Warrior (Mithril Mines)
Cannibalistic Stakato Follower (Stakato Nest)
Ragna Orc Hero (Den of Evil)
Contaminated Batur Commander (Cryptss of Disgrace)
Nihil Invader Elite Soldier (Delusion Chamber)
Hekaton Prime - Raid Boss (Giant Caves)
Last Titan Utenus - Raid Boss (Giant Caves)
Exterminator (Field of Silence / Field of Whispers)
Spoils :
Hirokai (Giant Caves)
Nihil Invader Shaman (Delusion Chamber)
Invader Elite Soldier of Nightmare (Delusion Chamber)
Invader Archer of Nightmare (Delusion Chamber)
Invader Destroyer of Nightmare (Delusion Chamber)
Servitor of Darkness (Den of Evil)
Sealed Dynasty Leather Leggings Piece
Drops :
Leogul (Giant Caves)
Invader Disciple of Nightmare (Delusion Chamber)
Grave Robber Warrior (Mithril Mines)
Cannibalistic Stakato Follower (Stakato Nest)
Ragna Orc Hero (Den of Evil)
Contaminated Batur Commander (Cryptss of Disgrace)
Nihil Invader Elite Soldier (Delusion Chamber)
Hekaton Prime - Raid Boss (Giant Caves)
Last Titan Utenus - Raid Boss (Giant Caves)
Exterminator (Field of Silence / Field of Whispers)
Spoils :
Palit (Giant Caves)
Ornithomimus (Primeval Isle)
Grave Robber Magician (Mithril Mines)
Ragna Orc Hero (Den of Evil)
Sealed Dynasty Leather Helmet Piece
Drops :
Lesser Giant Soldier (Giant Caves)
Spoils :
Imagro (Giant Caves)
Barif's Pet (Giant Caves)
Lesser Giant Mage (Giant Caves)
Contaminated Morek Warrior (Crypts of Disgrace)
Spiked Stakato (Stakato Nest)
Female Spiked Stakato (Stakato Nest)
Sealed Dynasty Leather Glove Piece
Drops :
Cursed Seer (Giant Caves)
Lesser Giant (Giant Caves)
Servitor of Darkness (Den of Evil)
Ragna Orc Shaman (Den of Evil)
Invader Warrior of Nightmare (Delusion Chamber)
Nihil Invader Healer (Delusion Chamber)
Spiked Stakato Soldier (Stakato Nest)
Mutant Guide (Delusion Chamber)
Spoils :
Nihil Invader Destroyer (Delusion Chamber)
Nihil Invader Guide (Delusion Chamber)
Sealed Dynasty Leather Boot Piece
Drops :
Mutant Guide (Delusion Chamber)
Spiked Stakato Soldier (Stakato Nest)
Nihil Invader Healer (Delusion Chamber)
Invader Warrior of Nightmare (Delusion Chamber)
Ragna Orc Shaman (Den of Evil)
Servitor of Darkness (Den of Evil)
Lesser Giant (Giant Caves)
Cursed Seer (Giant Caves)
Spoils :
Nihil Invader Archer (Delusion Chamber)
Dynasty Robe Clothes
Sealed Dynasty Tunic Piece
Drops :
Cursed Lord (Delusion Chamber)
Invader Elite Soldier of Nightmare (Delusion Chamber)
Grave Robber Warrior of Light (Mithril Mines)
Ragna Orc Commander (Den of Evil)
Turka Follower's Ghost (Crypts of Disgrace)
Cannibalistic Stakato Leader (Stakato Nest)
Evil Spirits in Magic Force (Field of Silence / Field of Whispers)
Mutant Warrior (Delusion Chamber)
Queen Shyeed - Raid boss (Stakato Nest)
Spoils :
Grave Robber Magician (Mithril Mines)
Grave Robber Warrior of Light (Mithril Mines)
Newborn Lavasaurus (Forge of the Gods)
Fledgling Lavasaurus (Forge of the Gods)
Adult Lavasaurus (Forge of the Gods)
Elderly Lavasaurus (Forge of the Gods)
Ancient Lavasaurus (Forge of the Gods)
Sealed Dynasty Stocking Piece
Drops :
Cursed Lord (Delusion Chamber)
Invader Elite Soldier of Nightmare (Delusion Chamber)
Grave Robber Warrior of Light (Mithril Mines)
Ragna Orc Commander (Den of Evil)
Turka Follower's Ghost (Crypts of Disgrace)
Cannibalistic Stakato Leader (Stakato Nest)
Evil Spirits in Magic Force (Field of Silence / Field of Whispers)
Mutant Warrior (Delusion Chamber)
Queen Shyeed - Raid Boss (Stakato Nest)
Spoils :
Cursed Guardian (Giant Caves)
Lesser Giant Soldier (Giant Caves)
Ragna Orc Archer (Den of Evil)
Invader Soldier of Nightmare (Delusion Chamber)
Servitor of Darkness (Den of Evil)
Sealed Dynasty Circlet Piece
Drops :
Hirokai (Giant Caves)
Lesser Giant Soldier (Giant Caves)
Invader Healer of Nightmare (Delusion Chamber)
Servitor of Darkness (Den of Evil)
Ragna Orc Seer (Den of Evil)
Nihil Invader Guide (Delusion Chamber)
Spiked Stakato Drone (Stakato Nest)
Mutant Destroyer (Delusion Chamber)
Spoils :
Invader Warrior of Nightmare (Delusion Chamber)
Ragna Orc Seer (Den of Evil)
Contaminated Mucrokian (Field of Silence / Field of Whispers)
Awakened Mucrokian (Field of Silence/ Field of Whispiers)
Mutant Destroyer (Delusion Chamber)
Mutant Assassin (Delusion Chamber)
Sealed Dynasty Glove Piece
Drops :
Cursed Seer (Giant Caves)
Lesser Giant (Giant Caves)
Servitor of Darkness (Den of Evil)
Ragna Orc Shaman (Den of Evil)
Invader Warrior of Nightmare (Delusion Chamber)
Nihil Invader Healer (Delusion Chamber)
Spiked Stakato Soldier (Stakato Nest)
Mutant Guide (Delusion Chamber)
Spoils :
Varangka's Dre Vanul (Den of Evil)
Invader Shaman of Nightmare (Delusion Chamber)
Invader Elite Soldier of Nightmare (Delusion Chamber)
Sealed Dynasty Shoes Piece
Drops :
Mutant Guide (Delusion Chamber)
Cursed Seer (Giant Caves)
Lesser Giant (Giant Caves)
Servitor of Darkness (Den of Evil)
Ragna Orc Shaman (Den of Evil)
Invader Warrior of Nightmare (Delusion Chamber)
Nihil Invader Healer (Delusion Chamber)
Spiked Stakato Soldier (Stakato Nest)
Spoils :
Frightened Ragna Orc (Den of Evil)
Invader Warrior of Nightmare (Delusion Chamber)
Sealed Dynasty Sigil Piece
Hirokai (Giant Caves)
Lesser Giant Soldier (Giant Caves)
Invader Healer of Nightmare (Delusion Chamber)
Servitor of Darkness (Den of Evil)
Ragna Orc Seer (Den of Evil)
Nihil Invader Guide (Delusion Chamber)
Spiked Stakato Drone (Stakato Nest)
Mutant Destroyer (Delusion Chamber)
Giant Marpanak - Raid Boss (Giant Caves)
Water Spirit Lian - Raid Boss (Field of Silence / Whisper)
Mutant Shaman (Delusion Chamber)
Suppressor (Field of Silence / Field of Whispers)
Invader Warrior of Nightmare (Delusion Chamber)
Dynasty Weapons
Dynasty Staff Fragment
Ornithomimus (Primeval Isle)
Palit (Giant Caves)
Phantoms of the Mine (Mithril Mines)
Invader Destroyer of Nightmare (Delusion Chamber)
Spiked Stakato Worker (Stakato Nest)
Spiked Stakato Baby (Stakato Nest)
Giant Marpanak - Raid Boss (Giant Caves)
Lesser Giant Scout (Giant Caves)
Ragna Orc Sniper (Den of Evil)
Nihil Invader Assassin (Delusion Chamber)
Spiked Stakato Shaman (Stakato Nest)
Mucrokian Ascetic (Field of Silence / Field of Whispers)
Nihil Invader Elite Soldier (Delusion Chamber)
Dynasty Crusher Fragment
Giant Marpanak - Raid Boss (Giant Caves)
Phantoms of the Mine (Mithril Mines)
Mucrokian Ascetic (Field of Silence / Field of Whispers)
Spiked Stakato Worker (Stakato Nest)
Spiked Stakato Shaman (Stakato Nest)
Invader Destroyer of Nightmare (Delusion Chamber)
Spiked Stakato Baby (Stakato Nest)
Ornithomimus (Primeval Isle)
Lesser Giant Scout (Giant Caves)
Palit (Giant Caves)
Nihil Invader Assassin (Delusion Chamber)
Ragna Orc Sniper (Den of Evil)
No Spoils
Dynasty Sword Piece
Imagro (Giant Caves)
Aenkinel (Lvl 81) (Delusion Chamber)
Ragna Orc Archer (Den of Evil)
Invader Guide of Nightmare (Delusion Chamber)
Spiked Stakato (Stakato Nest)
Gorgolos - Raid Boss (Giant Caves)
Aenkinel (Lvl 82) (Delusion Chamber)
Lesser Giant Shooter (Giant Caves)
Servitor of Darkness (Den of Evil)
Nihil Invader Destroyer (Delusion Chamber)
Spike Stakato Nurse (Stakato Nest)
Mucrokian Fanatic (Field of Silence / Field of Whispers)
No Spoils
Dynasty Phantom Piece
Imagro (Giant Caves)
Aenkinel (Lvl 81) (Delusion Chamber)
Ragna Orc Archer (Den of Evil)
Invader Guide of Nightmare (Delusion Chamber)
Spiked Stakato (Stakato NEst)
Gorgolos - Raid Boss (Giant Caves)
Aenkinel (Lvl 82) (Delusion Chamber)
Lesser Giant Shooter (Giant Caves)
Servitor of Darkness (Den of Evil)
Nihil Invader Destroyer (Delusion Chamber)
Spiked Stakato Nurse (Stakato Nest)
Mucrokian Fanatic (Field of Silence / Field of Whispers)
Mine Bug (Mithril Mines)
Dynasty Mace Piece
Ornithomimus (Primeval Isle)
Palit (Giant Caves)
Phantoms of the Mine (Mithril Mines)
Invader Destroyer of Nightmare (Delusion Chamber)
Spiked Stakato Worker (Stakato Nest)
Spiked Stakato Baby (Stakato Nest)
Giant Marpanak - Raid Boss (Giant Caves)
Lesser Giant Scout (Giant Caves)
Ragna Orc Sniper (Den of Evil)
Nihil Invader Assassin (Delusion Chamber)
Spiked Stakato Shaman (Stakato Nest)
Mucrokian Ascetic (Field of Silence / Field of Whispers)
Phantoms of the Mine (Mithril Mines)
Contaminated Batur Warrior (Crypts of Disgrace)
Spiked Stakato Worker (Stakato Nest)
Spiked Stakato Baby (Stakato Nest)
Lesser Giant Elder (Giant Caves)
Turka Follower's Ghost (Crypts of Disgrace)
Nihil Invader Soldier (Delusion Chamber)
Nihil Invader Elite Soldier (Delusion Chamber)
Spiked Stakato Shaman (Stakato Nest)
Dynasty Knife Piece
Grave Robber Summoner (Mithril Mines)
Invader Archer of Nightmare (Delusion Chamber)
Male Spiked Stakato (Stakato Nest)
Barif (Giant Caves)
Earthworm's Descendant (Mithril Mines)
Varangka's Destroyer (Den of Evil)
Nihil Invader Soldier (Delusion Chamber)
Contaminated Mucrokian (Field of Silence / Field of Whispers)
Cursed Guardian (Giant Caves)
Lesser Giant Soldier (Giant Caves)
Servitor of Darkness (Den of Evil)
Invader Archer of Nightmare (Delusion Chamber)
Evil Spirits of the Mine (Giant Caves)
Earthworm's Descendant (Mithril Mines)
Ragna Orc Sniper (Den of Evil)
Mutant Elite Soldier (Delusion Chamber)
Dynasty Halberd Piece
Barif's Pet (Giant Caves)
Ragna Orc Sniper (Den of Evil)
Contaminated Morek Warrior (Crypts of Disgrace)
Invader Soldier of Nightmare (Delusion Chamber)
Grave Robber Magician (Mithril Mines)
Nihil Invader Soldier (Delusion Chamber)
Male Spiked Stakato (Stakato Nest)
Awakened Mucrokian (Field of Silence/ Field of Whispiers)
Mine Bug (Mithril Mines)
Varangka's Destroyer (Den of Evil)
Dynasty Bow Piece
Klennot (Giant Caves)
Deinonychus (Primeval Isle)
Varangka's Dre Vanul (Den of Evil)
Invader Shaman of Nightmare (Delusion Chamber)
Female Spiked Stakato (Stakato Nest)
Lesser Giant Elder (Giant Caves)
Mine Bug (Mithril Mines)
Nihil Invader Archer (Delusion Chamber)
Lesser Giant (Giant Caves)
Grave Robber Worker (Mithril Mines)
Invader Disciple of Nightmare (Delusion Chamber)
Frightened Ragna Orc (Den of Evil)
Cannibalistic Stakato Leader (Stakato Nest)
Mutant Disciple (Delusion Chamber)
Dynasty Blade Piece
Imagro (Giant Caves)
Aenkinel (Lvl 81) (Delusion Chamber)
Ragna Orc Archer (Den of Evil)
Invader Guide of Nightmare (Delusion Chamber)
Spiked Stakato (Stakato Nest)
Gorgolos - Raid Boss (Giant Caves)
Aenkinel (Lvl 82) (Delustion Chamber)
Lesser Giant Shooter (Giant Caves)
Servitor of Darkness (Den of Evil)
Nihil Invader Destroyer (Delusion Chamber)
Spike Stakato Nurse (Stakato Nest)
Mucrokian Fanatic (Field of Silence / Field of Whispers)
Contaminated Morek Warrior (Crypts of Disgrace)
Invader Shaman of Nightmare (Delusion Chamber)
Spiked Stakato (Stakato Nest)
Lesser Giant Mage (Giant Caves)
Dynasty Bagh-Nakh Piece
Hamlet (Giant Caves)
Invader Assassin of Nightmare (Delusion Chamber)
Spiked Stakato Guard (Stakato Nest)
Lesser Giant Mage (Giant Caves)
Evil Spirits of the Mine (Giant Caves)
Nihil Invader Shaman (Delusion Chamber)
Spiked Stakato Captain (Stakato Nest)
Spiked Stakato Guard (Stakato Nest)
Lesser Giant Scout (Giant Caves)
Barif (Giant Caves)
Contaminated Batur Commander (Cryptss of Disgrace)
Turka Commander's Ghost Grave Guardian Spirit (Crypts of Disgrace)
Nihil Invader Warrior (Delusion Chamber)
Cannibalistic Stakato Leader (Stakato Nest)
Spiked Stakato Soldier (Stakato Nest)
Spiked Stakato Drone (Stakato Nest)
Spike Stakato Nurse (Stakato Nest)
Dynasty Jewels
Sealed Dynasty Ring Gemstone
Cursed Guardian (Giant Caves)
Aenkinel (Lvl 81) (Delusion Chamber)
Servitor of Darkness (Den of Evil)
Ragna Orc Healer (Den of Evil)
Aenkinel (Lvl 82) (Delusion Chamber)
Turka Commander's Ghost Grave Guardian Spirit (Crypts of Disgrace)
Nihil Invader Warrior (Delusion Chamber)
Cannibalistic Stakato Leader (Stakato Nest)
Guardian Waterspirit (Field of Silence / Field of Whispers)
Aenkinel (Lvl 84) (Delusion Chamber)
Mutant Healer (Delusion Chamber)
Male Spiked Stakato (Stakato Nest)
Nihil Invader Elite Soldier (Delusion Chamber)
Invader Destroyer of Nightmare (Delusion Chamber)
Ragna Orc Shaman (Den of Evil)
Leogul (Giant Caves)
Klennot (Giant Caves)
Sealed Dynasty Earring
Cursed Guardian (Giant Caves)
Aenkinel (Lvl 81) (Delusion Chamber)
Servitor of Darkness (Den of Evil)
Ragna Orc Healer (Den of Evil)
Aenkinel (Lvl 82) (Delusion Chamber)
Turka Commander's Ghost Grave Guardian Spirit (Crypts of Disgrace)
Nihil Invader Warrior (Delusion Chamber)
Cannibalistic Stakato Leader (Stakato Nest)
Guardian Waterspirit (Field of Silence / Field of Whispers)
Aenkinel (Lvl 84) (Delusion Chamber)
Mutant Healer (Delusion Chamber)
Lesser Giant (Giant Caves)
Grave Robber Warrior (Mithril Mines)
Evil Spirits of the Mine (Giant Caves)
Contaminated Mucrokian (Field of Silence / Field of Whispers)
Guardian Waterspirit (Field of Silence / Field of Whispers)
Mutant Destroyer (Delusion Chamber)
Sealed Dynasty Necklace
Cursed Guardian (Giant Caves)
Aenkinel (Lvl 81) (Delusion Chamber)
Servitor of Darkness (Den of Evil)
Ragna Orc Healer (Den of Evil)
Aenkinel (Lvl 82) (Delusion Chamber)
Turka Commander's Ghost Grave Guardian Spirit (Crypts of Disgrace)
Nihil Invader Warrior (Delusion Chamber)
Cannibalistic Stakato Leader (Stakato Nest)
Guardian Waterspirit (Field of Silence / Field of Whispers)
Aenkinel (Lvl 84) (Delusion Chamber)
Mutant Healer (Delusion Chamber)
Spiked Stakato Sorcerer (Stakato Nest)
Scarlet Stakato Worker (Stakato Nest)
Cursed Seer (Giant Caves)
Imagro (Giant Caves)
Barif's Pet (Giant Caves)
Grave Robber Summoner (Mithril Mines)
Female Spiked Stakato (Stakato Nest)
Grave Robber Warrior (Mithril Mines)
Lesser Giant Scout (Giant Caves)
Spiked Stakato Drone (Stakato Nest)
Spiked Stakato Shaman (Stakato Nest)